• This class will teach you to work magick into your beauty routine. You will learn to make magickal bath salts, soaps, soaks, splashes, scrubs, lotions, face masks, shampoos & conditioners!

    You must have taken the following courses before you may take this class, or have special permission from the teacher: Witchy Correspondences, Common Magickal Herbs 101,102 & 103 & Advanced Herbology.

  • This class will teach you to create and enjoy Magickal Baths tailored for Spells and Rituals.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences, Incense, Powders & Oils before you may take this class. Or have special permission from the teacher.

  • This class will teach you to create and enjoy Magickal Baths tailored for Sabbats and Esbats.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences, Exploring the Sabbats & Incense, Powders & Oils before you may take this class. Or have special permission from the teacher.

  • This class will teach you to bring magick into the kitchen! This class is tailored to cooking for Spells and Rituals.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences & Common Magickal Herbs 101, 102 & 103 before you can take this class. Or have special permission from the teacher.

  • This class will teach you to bring magick into the kitchen! This class is tailored to cooking for Sabbats and Esbats.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences, Exploring the Sabbats and Common Magickal Herbs 101, 102 & 103 before you can take this class. Or have special permission from the teacher.