• This class will give you the history and basics of Wicca and whether or not you want to follow it on your path. These basics are also covered in the Silvermoon Degree Program as well.

  • This class will teach you to create and organize your own Book of Shadows.

  • This class will teach you the basics of Witchcraft Correspondences and how they are used. The Correspondences we will be covering in the class are as follows:

    Moon Phase
    Days of the Week
    Herb Correspondences
    Stone Correspondences
    Color Correspondences

  • This class will teach you the basics of writing spells and rituals.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences, Be Enrolled in the Degree Program, or Have Special Permission from the Teacher to be take this course.

  • Charms and Blessings
  • This class will teach you about and how to construct and perform Dedications, Consecrations and Cleansings.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences, Be Enrolled in the Degree Program, or Have Special Permission from the Teacher to be take this course.

  • This class will teach you about the Wiccan Sabbats and how to honor them.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences & Pen, Parchment, Ink & Quills, Be Enrolled in the Degree Program, or Have Special Permission from the Teacher to be take this course.

  • This class will teach you about the Wiccan Esbats and how to honor them.

    You must have taken Witchy Correspondences & Pen, Parchment, Ink & Quills, Be Enrolled in the Degree Program, or Have Special Permission from the Teacher to be take this course.