• In this class we will be exploring different things about dreams.

    1.Types of dreams

    2.Meaning of symbols in dreams

    3.Tools to aid your dreams

    4.And more.

    There are projects to do in this class. (You can buy the items already made, but, not recommended). When you make your own tools, they do have more meaning. I ask that you turn in at least one (1) assignment per 30 days. Contact me either at Silvermoon Glade or send me an email at:

    willow.skyfire@gmail.com and I’ll get you all set in class.

  • In this class you can use ANY tarot deck that you have (plus, you will get a Tarot set to color and make your own.) You be learning to read the cards by intuition and with practice it will become natural to you. This class is open to beginners and advanced students alike!

  • This class will teach you to use mirrors and bowls in divination.

  • This class will teach you the basics of crystal ball reading.